Handling of UK asylum cases compromised by poorly trained and overworked staff

Chaos, incompetence and bullying of Home Office employees is resulting in failed deportations and the unlawful detention of vulnerable and desperate people, whistleblowers allege.

The Dublin Cessation Team (DCT) – until last week known as the Third Country Unit – is a little-known but crucial department that, under the EU Dublin convention, determines which EU member state is responsible for considering an asylum claim and transferring the asylum seeker to the responsible state.

Decisions on whether an applicant can stay in the UK, supposed to take six months, frequently take two years. During this time, applicants are in limbo, unable to work or rent property.

People who have sought asylum are frequently unlawfully detained for up to six weeks in immigration removal centres.

Personal performance targets indirectly encourage employees to reject applications without fully examining whether people have the right to remain in the UK.

People with a strong case to remain in the UK are deported because of poor decisions made by insufficiently trained staff.

Flights for deportations are frequently cancelled when asylum seekers protest on board and pilots refuse to fly.

Related: Home Office investigated over English test cheating claims

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