MPs call on party to support European election manifesto that campaigns for second vote on any Brexit deal

Labour is braced for a showdown over whether to back a referendum on any Brexit deal when the party’s governing body meets to agree its draft European elections manifesto on Tuesday.

Party sources suggested Labour was likely to agree a compromise option where it would support a referendum in order to prevent Theresa May’s Brexit deal or leaving without a deal, describing that wording as “the path of least resistance”.

Related: Labour’s NEC must commit to a public vote on any Brexit deal | Letters

To vote in May’s election you must be registered to vote, be 18 or over on 23 May, be a British, Irish, or qualifying Commonwealth citizen, or a citizen of an EU country other than Malta and Cyprus. You have to be either resident at an address in the UK, and not be legally excluded from voting – or be a British citizen living abroad, in which case you can vote in European elections for up to 15 years after you have left the country.

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