Today was the Brexit party leader’s day, the great disruptor had achieved one of his greatest disruptions

The crack team of UK negotiators lined up for a group photo. Nigel Farage, Richard Tice, Claire Fox, Ann Widdecombe, Annunziata Rees-Mogg and the other 24 new Brexit party MEPs sticking it to the man in the er … imposing establishment surroundings of Carlton House Terrace in the heart of Westminster. But hey, even the men and women of the people need a little down time away from the people they now represent. A chance to chill out and celebrate their success.

These were the names who would strike terror into the Brussels elite. “So Monsieur so-called Barnier, we are fed up with you humiliating our country,” they planned to say in unison. “What we demand is that we leave the EU on 31 October on World Trade Organization terms. Nothing more, nothing less.”

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