House of Commons will vote on 11 December after five-day debate – and two days after possible TV showdown with Jeremy Corbyn

Theresa May has pleaded with MPs to consider the interests of the country and the importance of delivering Brexit as she gave herself two weeks to try to persuade 89 hostile Tory backbenchers to support her final deal.

The prime minister said she had no Brexit plan B as she addressed a sceptical and at times hostile House of Commons in a two-and-a-half-hour debate on Monday that ran on for more than an hour before anyone was prepared to speak in her support.

Related: May's Brexit deal sounds like a 'great deal for the EU', says Trump

Related: How will your MP vote on Theresa May's Brexit deal?

If MPs reject the deal, there are seven possible paths the country could go down next.

Related: Ministers consider backing ‘Norway plus’ as Brexit plan B

Related: Labour to block People's Vote taking part in Brexit TV debate

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