Brexiter claims UK has strong negotiating position and should consider ultimatum

Jacob Rees-Mogg has urged Theresa May to revive her threat to leave the EU without a deal if Brussels continues to take an uncompromising approach in the Brexit negotiations.

Rees-Mogg, the chair of the European Research Group, which represents about 60 of the most pro-Brexit Conservative MPs, used an interview on Sunday on BBC One’s The Andrew Marr Show to claim that the UK could be more intransigent because it was in a much stronger negotiating position than people realised.

Related: 'I'm sure she knows her history': Rees-Mogg in veiled warning to May

A customs union is an agreement by a group of countries, such as the EU, to all apply the same tariffs on imported goods from the rest of the world and, typically, eliminate them entirely for trade within the group. By doing this, they can help avoid the need for costly and time-consuming customs checks during trade between members of the union. Asian shipping containers arriving at Felixstowe or Rotterdam, for example, need only pass through customs once before their contents head to markets all over Europe. Lorries passing between Dover and Calais avoid delay entirely.

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